Think Twice: 9 Courses That May Not Lead to the Career of Your Dreams

think twice

It is often said that knowledge is power and getting the right knowledge can actually help in getting close to ones dream very fast without any hurdle. It can have a lasting positive impact on one’s life. Conspicuously, choosing a course of study is a critical decision that can shape your future. Some courses, however, may not offer the best opportunities for employment or career growth, especially in certain regions. Here are some courses you should reconsider before committing to them. If you’re already enrolled in any of these, it might be wise to develop additional skills to enhance your employability.

1.            Library Science Why it’s problematic: The demand for traditional librarians is decreasing as digital resources become more prevalent. Statistics show a decline in library usage worldwide, making it harder to find stable employment in this field.

2.            Zoology Why it’s problematic: In countries like Nigeria, job opportunities for zoologists are scarce. Graduates often find it challenging to secure interviews, let alone jobs, with their qualifications.

3.            Horticulture Why it’s problematic: The horticulture industry in Nigeria is underdeveloped, leading to limited job prospects. This makes it difficult for graduates to find relevant and rewarding employment.

4.            Botany Why it’s problematic: Studying botany in regions with fewer opportunities for plant science careers can be frustrating. Switching to pharmaceutical sciences or a related field might offer better job prospects.

5.            Music Why it’s problematic: While studying music can be fulfilling, breaking into the industry is tough. It’s often more practical to pursue music through direct experience, such as performing and promoting yourself online.

6.            Political Science Why it’s problematic: In Nigeria, many politicians do not have formal degrees in political science. Success in politics often depends more on connections and experience than formal education in the field.

7.            Sociology Why it’s problematic: Job opportunities for sociologists are limited, and many graduates struggle to find relevant positions. Consider diversifying your skill set to increase your employability.

8.            Childhood Education Why it’s problematic: While noble, careers in childhood education often lead to low-paying jobs as primary or nursery school teachers. This field may not offer the financial stability many graduates seek.

9.            Physical Education Why it’s problematic: In regions where people prioritize basic needs over physical fitness, such as Nigeria, the demand for physical education professionals is low. Public health education might be a more viable alternative.


While these courses can be deeply fulfilling for those passionate about them, they often come with significant challenges, such as limited job opportunities and low starting salaries. If you’re considering one of these fields, it’s essential to weigh these factors against your career goals and be prepared to supplement your education with additional skills or qualifications to enhance your employability.

  • Okunoye Oluwaseyi

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